Sunday, April 3, 2011

Track bike was black and white and not red all over

Tim, Richard, Mark and David and some of the youngsters had fun on the Narrogin velodrome last night - no races, but a bit of checking out strengths and weaknesses, and then a flying 500 m time trial.

Tim brought his shiny new bike, but the shop had slipped him a black and white version instead of the red one (see post below from Tim). As we all know, red is faster, and as a result Tim's flying 500 m time was a fraction slower than Dave's time - because Dave had a red seat!

Track riding is great for developing skills that are also useful on the road. Drafting without surging, cornering at speed, and knowing how to sprint when it counts are all learnt best on the track.  There is something about not having brakes and a freewheel that really focuses your mind. Probably the fear of dying. Also, track riding is a great spectator sport (bring the family) because they can see the whole event as it whips past them.

Track riding is on Friday next week, so book in your diary and get there by 7.00 am. Stay on for a cool drink and some food if you have time.

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